To my dearest love


 To my dearest love, on this special day,

A birthday wish I send your way.

With each passing year, our bond grows strong,

In your embrace, is where I truly belong.

Your smile brightens every corner of my heart,

In your presence, all worries depart.

May this day be filled with laughter and cheer,

As we celebrate another wonderful year.

Your beauty, grace, and love so pure,

In your arms, I find my ultimate cure.

Happy birthday, my beloved wife so dear,

Forever and always, I hold you near.

With each sunrise and sunset's embrace,

I'm grateful for your love's endless grace.

So here's to you, my partner, my friend,

On this day, may our joy never end.

Happy birthday, with all my love and glee,

Forever together, just you and me.

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