Mischievous Max


Once upon a time, in a lush tropical jungle, there lived a mischievous monkey named Max. Max loved nothing more than exploring and finding new places to play and have adventures.

One day, while swinging through the trees, Max spotted a hill hotel perched on a mountain peak. Intrigued, he decided to sneak into the hotel to see what it was like.

As he made his way through the hotel, Max came across a room where a young girl was staying.

The girl was out exploring the area at the time, leaving the monkey free to enter the room through window. Max, being clever, managed to open the window and sneak inside the room.  Max explored the room, playing with the remote control for the TV and even trying on a pair of sunglasses she found on the dresser. He was having so much fun, he didn't even hear the girl returning to her room

When the girl returned, she was surprised to find the monkey in her room. She quickly got help from the hotel staff to safely remove the monkey and release him back into the wild.

She couldn't help but laugh at the situation and couldn't wait to tell her friends about her monkey visitor.

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