A snake in a sawmill


A snake in the sawmill slithers through,

Careful to avoid the sharp blades anew.

But one fateful day, he made a mistake,

And felt the sting of the saw's sharp rake.

Enraged and in pain, the snake sought revenge,

His fury burning with an endless flame.

He coiled himself tight around the saw's edge,

Determined to cause himself more harm than he could gauge.

The saw cut deeper, and the snake felt the pain,

But he refused to let go, determined to remain.

His anger consumed him, his mind now a blur,

As he twisted and turned, lost in the whirr.

The saw's teeth bit deep, as the snake writhed and wriggled,

And with each passing moment, his life force dwindled.

His act of vengeance had led him to his death,

As he breathed his last with his final breath.

The saw now still, and the snake lay still too,

A lesson learned in revenge, a caution anew.

For the snake's fury had led him to his demise,

A cautionary tale, to be shared with wide eyes.

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