The ants and grasshopper


Once upon a time, in a forest, there lived a group of ants. They were always busy gathering food and taking it back to their colony. One day, while they were out searching for food, they found a large piece of cake lying on the ground. The ants were thrilled and started carrying the cake back to their colony.

As they were carrying the cake, they came across a grasshopper who was singing and playing his guitar. The grasshopper looked at the ants carrying the cake and asked them where they were going. The ants replied that they had found a large piece of cake and were taking it back to their colony.

The grasshopper was delighted and asked the ants if he could join them. The ants refused, saying that the grasshopper had spent all his time singing and playing the guitar instead of working like them. The grasshopper felt sad and lonely and decided to continue singing and playing his guitar.

As the ants continued their journey, they came across a stream. The stream was overflowing, and the ants could not cross it. They tried building a bridge but failed. The ants were about to give up when they heard someone singing. It was the grasshopper. He had seen the ants struggling and had come to help them.

The grasshopper started playing his guitar, and the ants worked together to build a bridge. Soon, the bridge was complete, and the ants were able to cross the stream and take the cake back to their colony. The ants were grateful to the grasshopper and invited him to share the cake with them.

The moral of the story is that hard work is important, but we should also remember to help others when we can. Just like the grasshopper, who despite not working like the ants, was willing to help them in their time of need. 

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