Wish you a speedy recovery


 In shadows dark, where pain does creep,

My love, you face a challenge deep.

With tender heart and gentle touch,

I pray for healing, oh, so much.

As surgeon's hands did guide their way,

I held your hand, in hope we'd sway.

Through endless nights and days of strife,

I'll be your rock, your strength, your life.

May angels whisper by your side,

Their soothing words, a gentle tide.

May every step upon your path,

Bring closer days of joy and laughs.

Each sunrise brings a brand-new dawn,

A chance for healing to be drawn.

In tender care, you'll soon find ease,

And from this trial, you'll be released.

Your spirit shines through darkest hours,

With courage, love, and inner powers.

You'll rise above, in victory strong,

With radiant smile, where pain belonged.

So, rest, dear love, and take your time,

Embrace the healing, so sublime.

Know that I'll be here, by your side,

With endless love, as we abide.

In this journey, hand in hand,

Together, we'll make a stand.

With heartfelt wishes, deep and true,

I wish a speedy recovery for you.

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